Brawlhalla is a unique multiplayer fighting game made by Blue Mammoth Games. It’s different from other fighting games because it’s 2D and you win by knocking others off the map. The matches are short but very active. The game can be hard for beginners. If you’re just starting out in Brawlhalla, here are some tips to help you.
5. Edit Control Configuration

Playing well in Brawlhalla starts with knowing the controls. Unlike other fighting games focused mainly on attacks, Brawlhalla requires a good grasp of its unique mechanics. Start by playing a trial match to get a feel for the basic controls. Then, head to the settings menu to customize them to your liking.
In the settings, you can choose your preferred type of D-Pad, which can help with quicker reactions during fights. You also have the option to rearrange the game’s buttons. This customization lets you place them where they feel most comfortable for you. Pay special attention to the jump button’s default position at the bottom. If it doesn’t suit you, move it. Tailoring the controls to your personal preference can make a big difference in how you play and enjoy Brawlhalla.
4. Unranked Before Ranked

Brawlhalla offers you a variety of game modes. From offline practice with bots to online multiplayer with your teammates,. In the online play tab, we have free-for-all, strikeout 1v1, friendly 2v2, and experimental maps. Since these are noncompetitive, you can play them casually and learn Brawlhalla at the same time. Practice well in Online Play mode before stepping into Ranked.
Playing ranked games is the best way to test yourself. However, it is not advisable If you are starting in Brawlhalla, your priority should be learning the game first, not the rank. But if you feel confident about your progress, then by all means you can try out ranked matchmaking and challenge yourself. But remember, “unranked before ranked.” Before queueing for a ranked match, play some warm-up matches in Unranked. These warm-up matches will prepare you for a better performance in the ranked match.
3. Stop Switching Characters Frequently

Brawlhalla is a game that’s constantly evolving, with new characters being introduced regularly. This can make choosing a character seem overwhelming. Initially, you might be tempted to experiment with every character. However, once you find a character that aligns even slightly with your playstyle, whether it’s their swift movement or impressive attacks, it’s best to stick with them. Understanding the nuances of each character is a time-consuming process. So, focus on one character that feels right for you and use them consistently in your matches.
Also, the advantage of this approach is that the more you play with a single character, the more their attack patterns and cooldown times become second nature to you. This familiarity allows you to play almost instinctively, relying on muscle memory. Additionally, mastering and practicing the combos of one character becomes much easier before you consider switching to another. This focused strategy not only speeds up your learning curve but also deepens your overall understanding and proficiency in Brawlhalla.
2. Be Versatile in Movement

To diversify your combos and remain versatile in Brawlhalla, it’s important to understand the game’s mechanics thoroughly. Keeping your opponent guessing is key. One effective way to be unpredictable is by mixing up your dodges. Dodge in various directions—away, towards, diagonally, upwards, and downwards—and vary your dodges each time to evade attacks skillfully. The dodge button also serves another purpose: it allows you to dash when you’re on the ground. Dashing, which is faster than running, enables you to move swiftly across the map, making it harder for your opponent to track and attack you.
Versatility in Brawlhalla is more than just about defence; it’s also a crucial part of your offensive strategy. Incorporating versatile moves such as Gravity Cancel, Chase Dodge, and Slide Charge into your gameplay is essential for setting up attacks that your opponent won’t see coming. These techniques, when mastered, can give you a significant edge by allowing you to launch unexpected and effective offensive moves.
1. Practice True Combos

Combos are essential in any fighting game, and Brawlhalla is no exception. These powerful move sequences usually require lots of practice and a good understanding of the game. In Brawlhalla, there’s something known as “True Combos”. These are specific attack sequences that, when executed correctly, don’t allow your opponent any chance to dodge. For whichever character you choose, it’s important to learn their True Combos.
Start by making a list of all the True Combos for your character and practicing them one by one. To hone these skills, use the offline play mode, specifically the training mode. Here, a bot will automatically appear for you to practice on. And to make your practice more challenging, adjust the bot’s settings to include evasion, movement, and attack capabilities. This will help you refine your combos and prepare for real-game scenarios.
So, what do you think about our tips? Do you want to add any tips for Brawlhalla beginners? Let us know in the comment section below!