In a groundbreaking announcement, the popular mobile game Honor of Kings is set to join the 2024 Esports World Cup, uniting top teams in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, this August. This collaboration marks a significant milestone, introducing an exclusive tournament skin and setting the stage for an epic showdown. With the inclusion of 12 international teams and China’s KPL Dream Team, this event is poised to redefine global esports competitions offering a hefty prize pool of $3 million. And here’s what you need to know.
What is Esports World Cup?
The Esports World Cup is a yearly event that brings together the world’s best esports teams to compete for the title of the top esports club and some of the biggest prizes in gaming. It’s a celebration of gaming talent from all over the globe, highlighting the spirit of competition and teamwork. This tournament is more than just a competition; it’s a global gathering where gamers show off their skills and connect with others who share their passion.
This tournament is special because it uses a unique system that looks at how teams perform across different games, not just one. First, there are separate competitions for each game, following the usual steps of qualifying rounds, group stages, playoffs, and the grand finals. This setup makes sure that each game’s unique style and rules are respected. Then, all these results add up in a cross-game ranking, meaning teams earn points based on how well they do in each game. This way, the tournament finds out which club is the best across all games. The Esports World Cup happens in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, turning the city into a huge gaming hub.
Honor of Kings X Esports World Cup 2024
The team behind Honor of Kings has expressed their excitement about joining forces with the Esports World Cup. This collaboration signifies a monumental step for HOK, as 12 of its finest teams from various corners of the world, including the KPL Dream Team from China, will converge in Riyadh for a prize pool of $3 million. Additionally, in celebration of this partnership, an exclusive in-game skin will be released, adding to the fervour and enthusiasm surrounding the event.
This integration of Honor of Kings into the Esports World Cup not only highlights the game’s massive popularity and competitive depth but also signals its official expansion beyond the Chinese market. Slated for release globally in 2024, HOK is poised to captivate millions more, further cementing its status as a cornerstone of mobile esports. For more, you can follow the official Twitter account of HOK here.
So, are you excited to see the Honor of Kings in the Esports World Cup 2024? Share your thoughts in the comment section below!